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6 Ideas to Monetise Your Blog

Disclaimer: This is a pre-written paid Partnered Post

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If you’ve got a blog, you’ll be no stranger to the idea of monetization and thinking of ways you can make money from your hobby.

Of course, money isn’t the only reason to blog – you should blog because you love it.

However, with a little know-how and planning, you can make blogging so much more than a hobby.

You can make it a great source of income and a way to live the lifestyle you want to live.

Read on for some ideas! 

Write Ebooks

The great thing about having a blog is that you can also share your expertise in other forms and advertise them using your blog.

Writing Ebooks is a good way to do this.

There are so many resources online that can help you.

Writing non-fiction is probably the best course of action, but fiction could even work if you have an audience of interested people who you know will read it. 

Passive Income Streams

Passive income is money you make while doing nothing at all. Although you need to put in the work initially, you can eventually make money with very little maintenance.

Affiliate links are a great example of effective passive income streams, but you should be sure only to recommend products you genuinely like and believe in.

If you recommend any old product, your audience won’t trust you.

You need people to trust your recommendations and come back to you when they wonder about a product or service. 

Create a Product

Creating a product and selling it via your online shop could be the way to go.

Just look at Zoella – blogger turned novelist turned brand owner.

She sells a ton of products because people trust her – even advent calendars. Think outside of the box if possible.

If you like drawing, you could potentially have your images on t-shirts. 

Click here to find out the course that teaches you the strategies I used to set-up my blog and helped me become a full-time blogger

Create An Online Workshop

Online workshops and webinars are a great way to teach people what you know. An hour or so teaching on a specific topic could be a lot of fun for you as well as a great way to make money. If you prefer, you could even pre-record your content. 


Investing is one of the best possible ways to create wealth for the future, but it can take time to learn. Perhaps you could offer people Forex Trading advice once you’re in the know and show them how you’ve been making money this way. 

Sell Your Site

If you’ve been working on your blog for a while, but you get an idea for something else you want to do, you could sell your original site! Sell your domain or your blog, and you could make a sweet amount of money. 

RELATED: How I Was Able to Make Money Online From Home Without Having A Big Following

Want to advertise your blog? Check out the Ultimate Advertising For Bloggers Directory to find out which blogs you can advertise your blog with and grow your visibility

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