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Behind The Blog: Seriah Sargenton of Riyah Speaks

Disclaimer: AD – Advertising For Bloggers Top Management Package


In today’s Behind the Blog series, which is focused on highlighting and uplifting the blogging community, Seriah Sargenton shares her story and blogging journey. Get to know her and her blog better through this interview.

Please tell us more about the person behind the blog. How did you start blogging, and what made you start this particular blog? 

Though the blog name is Riyah Speaks, my name is Seriah. Riyah is just a nickname. I started this blog in late July 2020 during the Covid pandemic.

At first, the blog was a way for me to pass the time while I was quarantined at home. However, since then, I’ve grown to love it. I started a Lifestyle and Wellness blog after multiple niche attempts.

At first, I wrote about everything and anything, but I soon realized I needed to narrow it down. I choose these two because I relate to the issues and subjects within each category the most. Plus, they’re the easiest for me to write about. 

What is your purpose for your blog? Do you aim to help anyone in particular? 

I want to inspire and offer advice to younger women. The purpose of my blog is to share stories and offer tips that young women may find inspiring and useful in their lives. 

What content do you publish on your blog, and are there any regular columns or blog series? 

I publish lifestyle and wellness personal stories and tips, and career/blogging tips on Mondays and Thursdays. 

Do you make money blogging? If yes, how did you start monetizing it? If not, do you want to make money blogging, or do you run a blog as a hobby? 

I haven’t fully monetized my blog yet. I recently had my first affiliate sale through Amazon! I want to make more money, but I have much to learn first. 

Do you offer any products or services in your blog? If yes, please enumerate each one and tell us who would benefit from each product or service.

I don’t have any products or services—yet, but I am in the process of market researching for a planner. 

What are your favorite blogging tools & resources, and why? 

My favorite blogging tools and resources are Hootsuite, Canva, and Tailwind because you can create, curate, and publish content easily without any issues. 

What is your favorite thing about blogging? 

I love the supportive community. Since starting in July, I’ve made so many friends and love to engage with other bloggers online. This is the most accepting community I’ve ever met. 

What is something you wish you had known before starting a blog? 

To skip the wait and go straight for a self-hosted blog because it’s more professional and allows you to make money easier. 

What’s one tip you can give to other bloggers? 

One tip I can offer other bloggers is to take your time and not to rush yourself.

While it’s important to always plan ahead of time, don’t try to force yourself to meet someone else’s standards.

Go at the beat of your own drum, and you’ll see just how much you can do when you’re not living up to someone else’s expectations. 

Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you and your blog 

Yes! I have an email blast where I share blogging tips, exclusive content, and freebies! All they have to do is subscribe 🙂

Riyah Speaks is a lifestyle blog run by Seriah Sargenton. She writes about blogging, career success, lifestyle and wellness. Her blog aims to help inspire women to take action and keep moving forward.  

Check out these 3 posts by Seriah: 

30 Christmas Gift Ideas for Her

An Open Letter to My Anxiety

60 Affirmations for Love and Romance

Follow Seriah on social media:  

Facebook – @RiyahSpeaks

Twitter – @RiyahSpeaks

Instagram – @Riyah_Speaks

Pinterest – @RiyahSpeaks

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  1. ‘Behind the blog’ has a nice ring to it. I love it! Can’t wait to read more of such interview Q&As, Izzy!

    Also, I started my blog in June and I launched it in July. So my blog is probably just as young as Riyah’s. And yes, I was a pandemic lockdown blogger too. It’s funny how so many of us started a blog during that period and have remained committed to it.

    Hey Riyah, if you’re reading this comment, I wish you all the best! Looking forward to more of your content! 🙂

  2. What a lovely idea, lifting up other bloggers. When one rises we all rise and all that.

  3. Always so lovely to find new bloggers! The fact the blog got started to be a hobby and grew is now mine started, just as a little hobby after my third child was born. Now I’m 4 years in and loving every second!

  4. Great advice about not rushing yourself! thanks for sharing