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How to Build a Strong Digital Presence: What KPop Can Teach You

How to Build a Strong Digital Presence: What KPop Can Teach You

Building a strong digital presence is one of the things you can learn from the KPop industry.  

And this is one of the KPop marketing strategies that can help you become a better content creator.

I introduced it as your commitment to showing up online, but it’s related to building a strong digital presence. 

You can’t build a strong, sustainable digital presence if you post and ghost. 

Show up today and then come back three months later. Or post a few times and then take a long time to show up online.  

To learn how you can build a strong digital presence, I’ll first discuss what KPop artists and their companies do. 

KPop artists constantly update their social media platforms or social networking sites (SNS) as they call it. 

It’s not always daily and these updates are for their different SNS accounts: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or even a KPop app. 

For those artists who are part of a group, it helps that they have more members to post and keep the content fresh. 

Today, one member could post a selfie, and tomorrow another member can post a short behind-the-scenes clip from their latest music video. 

If not the KPop artists themselves, the staff updates fans of their upcoming and ongoing schedules such as a music show broadcast or a tv show appearance. Usually, this is through a separate staff account

KPop fans are given fresh content across multiple platforms. 

Solo artists usually have their staff post behind-the-scenes or other relevant content. 

What kind of content do KPop artists post? 

It varies. 

From selfies, photo and video teasers, special performances, dance practices, interviews, and even appearances on variety shows or television shows if a KPop idol has also branched out into acting. 

The following play a role in creating a  strong digital presence: 

  • Knowing your purpose for showing up online 
  • Clear branding 
  • Understanding your community and
  • Building a community 
  • Showing up online strategically and consistently

I’ll give more examples in the next in-depth KPop Marketing Strategy post about consistency. I tackled it briefly in the KPop marketing strategy guide post, but I will go deeper and give more examples in a separate, future post. 

But how can you apply this as a content creator? How can you show up online so that you can build a strong digital presence? You get access to this exclusive information that includes actionable steps inside the full version of this article in The Content Chest membership.

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  1. I never thought of it like this so thanks for giving me some food for thought. I always like how the K-Pop community stands up for other and are strongly against discrimination and racism. Their online presence is indeed exemplary!

    1. Thank you so much, Jenni! And that’s true the KPop community is very vocal about different issues 🙂